25 June, 2010

Windows tip: Removing Not Usable .Dll Files from the Memory

Posted by Unknown | 25 June, 2010 | Category: |

From day to day for our daily job we need more and more computer memory. Adding more RAM memory is one of the options. Other option is to remove unusable files from the memory of your computer. Most of those files are .dll files. Dll files are loaded into memory after installing a variety of programs and thus reduce the amount of available memory, which after removing or closing some of those programs dlls are not removing form the memory. Here’s how to configure Windows to delete .dll files from memory and with that increase memory space and speed up your computer:
  1. Open regedit (Start> Run> type “regedit” without quotes of course) .
  2. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows CurrentVersion / Explorer.
  3. Create a new dword entry named AlwaysUnloadDLL, set the value to 1.
  4. Close Regedit and Restart your computer.
After setting this parameter and after closing or reinstalling programs, .dll files will be automatically removed from the memory.

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